Project title: Exploring the Behavior of Self-assembling Styrylpyridinium and Its Aza-Analog Fluorescent Probes within Liposomes as Mimics of Biological Membranes (LipAgrStyrPro)
Project No.: lzp-2024/1-0364
Period: 1st January 2025 – 31 December 2027
Project costs: 300 000,00 EUR
Principial Investigator: Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
Collaboration partner: Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre
Principal Investigator BMC: Dr. biol. Anna Zajakina
Project summary:
The aim of LipAgrStyrPro project is elaboration and studies of small molecular self-assembling fluorescent probes based on styrylpyridinium core and their aza-analogues for monitoring of liposomal traffic and biomembrane imaging. Our work will be based on and will further the existing knowledge of fluorescent dyes, especially with a styrylpyridinium core. We expect to elaborate dyes in which structural changes aim at tackling problems of existing fluorescent probes like evaluating long-term safety and toxicity, solving solubility issues, broadening the wavelength range and enhancing photostability. Furthermore, for the first time, the interaction of dyes with lipid monolayers and elaboration of delivery system compositions containing dyes will be investigated. The results of our studies will provide more detailed and precise knowledge regarding structure-activity relationships. Project will result in at least 2 publications in Q1 or Q2 referred journals and Scopus/WoS, and 1 publication in other Scopus/WoS cited journal; dissemination of results at 3 international conferences, DMAP will be elaborated, 1 data set and at least 3 new project proposals. To optimise the impact of public funded scientific research publications in Open Access journals will be promoted. Various tools for communication and outreach activities will be used to reach different target groups to increase the awareness of science. Various level students (3 FTE) will be involved in the implementation.
Information published 02.01.2025.